Concerned Parent Group of Colchester


Residents of Colchester

This website was specifically designed for the residents of Colchester to view the parent statements that were read at the Board of Education meeting on March 10th. There are additional parent statements included as well.  The BOE has refused to allow anyone to view these parent statements, hiding behind privacy laws.  In reality, these parent statements did not contain student information and even if they did, those parents waived that right and asked that the statements become part of a public record.   The residents of Colchester should be outraged that these statements are deliberately being kept from you to see!!!!  Please read them and decide for yourselves if this is what you want for your town.

**You can view the statements by clicking on the home button on the left hand side of the screen.  These are a few of the statements, there will be more to come.

If you would like to sign the group's petition, please click on this link.

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